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10 Events Getting BroApp to Market

1. Observe that girlfriend gets annoyed when I am busy and forget to text her.

2. Stumble upon revelatory idea: “how about I automatically message her?”

3. Prototype Built.

4. Prototype sends text to girlfriend while I'm next to her... on her couch.... shit

5. Prototype Improve to look for girlfriend's wifi before sending.

6. Functionality expanded to detect work and home wifi departure and arrival.

7. Test, test, test.

8. Girlfriend sends text “Worst day ever, work sucks”. Moments later prototype sends “Hi babe, how was your day?”.

9. Functionality expanded to not message girlfriend if we have been in contact within the past hour.

10. Test, alpha, beta, success.

5 Things We Learnt Building BroApp

1. That it's awkward having to tell your partner you have been trialing BroApp on her for the past 3 months. When James and I first pitched her the idea, she said “any girl will work it out”. She was wrong.

2. Build something that is Press Fit. Being successful is a lot easier if it is awesome to read about. Test this out by telling your friends about your idea: If they absolutely hate it you win, if they love it you win. We had both.

3. Make a video and get a professional to do the voiceover (voices.com). Even if it is crap, put it on your website. No one likes to read what your product is about.

4. Analytics = Data = Value. Get every piece of data you can (mixpanel.com, crashlytics.com).

5. Fork out for user testing (usertesting.com).